Master's Degree Programme in Banking and International Finance
Kauppatieteiden maisteri
Tutkinto-ohjelman tyyppi:
Ylempi tutkinto-ohjelma
120 op
Jyväskylän yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu
Järjestävä organisaatio:
Jyväskylän yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028
The BIF programme provides an interdisciplinary degree and a strong quantitatively oriented background for the students to serve as professionals especially in financial markets, banking and other duties in the fields of economics and finance requiring highly analytical performance. The curriculum of the programme contains courses in core themes of economics, finance and also financial accounting, forming a unique mixture of the special skills required to serve in these positions.
BIF is a full-time 2-year master's programme. Studies begin in September and there is no mid-point entry to the programme. The degree gives the students the possibility to apply for doctoral studies for example in the doctoral programme of the Graduate School of Finance (, or after completing some advanced level courses in economics outside the curriculum of BIF programme, also in the Finnish Doctoral Program in Economics (
Supplementary studies
Depending on the individual background, the student may be required to take some supplementary courses.
BIF is a full-time 2-year master's programme. Studies begin in September and there is no mid-point entry to the programme. The degree gives the students the possibility to apply for doctoral studies for example in the doctoral programme of the Graduate School of Finance (, or after completing some advanced level courses in economics outside the curriculum of BIF programme, also in the Finnish Doctoral Program in Economics (
Supplementary studies
Depending on the individual background, the student may be required to take some supplementary courses.
Discipline based knowledge, knowledge application, and policy-relevant analysis of financial markets
BIF graduates are competent in critically analyzing interdisciplinary challenges related to the behavior of economic agents in financial markets.
BIF graduates have good communication skills in international financial markets and business environment.
BIF graduates master the three core content areas of their discipline: identifying the role of banks and financial markets, working as experts in banks and international financial markets, and applying empirical methods. BIF graduates are able to apply the core scientific knowledge and methods of their discipline in practice.
BIF graduates are competent in critically analyzing interdisciplinary challenges related to the behavior of economic agents in financial markets.
BIF graduates have good communication skills in international financial markets and business environment.
Valitse kaikki (90+ op)
- Tarkka kuvaus
Advanced Studies in Banking and Finance
84 opBIFSYVValitse kaikki (84+ op)Compulsory Advanced Level Studies
Valitse kaikki (59 op)Optional Advanced Level Studies
Valitse väh. 25 op
Optional Study Modules
Valitse väh. 0 kpl (0+ op)- Vapaasti valittava opintokokonaisuus
- Tarkka kuvaus
Communication and Language Studies
7+ opXMAIS_BIFMPValitse 1 kpl (4+ op)Communication and Language Studies for International Students
Valitse kaikki (9+ op)Finnish Courses
Valitse väh. 1 kpl (5–25 op)Communication and Language Courses for Master's Level
Valitse väh. 4 opElective Communication and Language Courses
Valitse väh. 0 kpl (0+ op)- Vapaasti valittava opintojakso
Communication and Language Studies for Finnish Students
Valitse kaikki (4+ op)Communication and Language Courses for Master's Level
Valitse väh. 4 opVapaavalintaiset viestintä- ja kieliopinnot
Valitse väh. 0 op- Vapaasti valittava opintojakso
- Tarkka kuvaus
Muut opinnot
2+ opMUUT_BIFMPValitse kaikki (2+ op)Compulsory Studies
Valitse kaikki (2 op)Recommended Studies
Valitse väh. 0 kpl (0–13 op)Optional Studies
Valitse väh. 0 op- Vapaasti valittava opintojakso