Master's Degree Programme in Language, Globalization and Intercultural Communication

Filosofian maisteri
Tutkinto-ohjelman tyyppi:
Ylempi tutkinto-ohjelma
120+ op
Humanistis-yhteiskuntatieteellinen tiedekunta
Järjestävä organisaatio:
Kieli- ja viestintätieteiden laitos
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


The MA in Language, Globalization and Intercultural Communication (LAGIC) trains interdisciplinary experts in interculturality who can address the communicative challenges and opportunities posed by ongoing globalization processes. The two-year programme looks at language and communication related questions such as multilingualism, identity, discourse and power, media, mobility and migration. The program combines theoretical, methodological and practical elements that provide students with in-depth knowledge and tools for critical thinking as well as hands-on skills required in the multicultural networked world. The programme prepares students for careers in a variety of professional contexts where globalization expertise, multilingualism and intercultural communication are relevant. Graduates of the programme have found employment in fields such as communications, education, consultation, human relations, and marketing, among others. The students will be also qualified for research-intensive employment; the MA degree qualifies students for enrolment in doctoral studies.  


After completing the programme, the student

  • has a deep understanding of concepts, methods, and theories related to applied language studies, intercultural communication, and globalization in society
  • can find, assess, and utilize academic knowledge and apply scientific methods to problem-solving in an ethically sound manner
  • has a critical understanding of how language and communication operate across a variety of social contexts
  • is able to analyze communication in local, global and mediated settings
  • is able to contribute to multicultural and multilingual teams and organizations in a constructive and efficient manner
  • is able to identify their personal learning needs and develop their expertise to adapt to new trends and professional opportunities in the field
  • has the knowledge and skills to pursue doctoral studies in intercultural and communication studies and similar fields. 


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