OKLS1409 Advanced Phenomenon-based Studies 3: Independent Studies (6 cr)

Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation:
Department of Teacher Education
Curriculum periods:
2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020



The course focuses on one’s own learning and development while constructing a goal-oriented learning process. The themes of the phenomenon are related to education, action as a teacher, curriculum and/or teacher education. Students negotiate their personal goals and the content of the process/project with the course supervisor. The phenomenon-based project can be implemented individually or in small groups.

Completion methods

Participation in contact teaching and/or independent study, learning assignments. Completion mode will be specified in the Study Programme.

Assessment details

Active participation in teaching and completing and passing learning assignments/exam.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to
- plan and make use in their phenomenon-based actions of the knowledge and skills in their chosen area by applying their pedagogical skills and knowledge

Additional information

Itsenäisen työskentelyn jakso.

Niillä luokanopettajan maisteriohjelmassa opiskelevilla, joilla KTK0006 Opetushallinnon opinnot 1 op eivät ole sisältyneet kandidaatin tutkintoon, ne sisällytetään tähän opintojaksoon. Tällöin OKLS1409 voidaan suorittaa 5 opintopisteen laajuisena.

Description of prerequisites

OKLA4300 Kandidaatintutkielma 10 op
OKLS1209 Syventävät ilmiöopinnot 1: Ryhmäilmiöt ja oppiminen 7 op
OKLS1309 Syventävät ilmiöopinnot 2: Kouluyhteisö ja yhteiskunta 6 op

Study materials

To be specified in the Study Programme.

Completion methods

Method 1

Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods
Unpublished assessment item