NEUS1100 Machine Learning and Neural Networks for Neuroscience (1–10 op)

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2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


1. Generalization and the bias-variance tradeoff in supervised learning.
2. Linear classification, large margin classifiers
3. Logistic regression, optimization and regulation methods
4. Nonlinear classificatoin, SVM, Multi-layer perceptron, convolutional networks.
5. Neural networks and backpropagation
6. Recurrent neural networks: RNN, LSTM
7. Unsupervised learning: Autoencoders, PCA, Infomax.
8. Hopfield networks as associative memory networks


Machine learning (ML) is a branch of artificial intelligence that enables computers to learn a model given
a large amount of data in a way that resembles human learning. Neural networks (NNs) are a type of
machine learning model inspired by the structure and function of the neural networks inside the human
brain. In recent years, ML and in particular NNs have become very popular in many domains, and have
been proved extremely effective in a range of applications, from machine vision and speech recognition
to decision making and robotics.
The course covers four main topics: (1) Machine learning basics such as regression, classification,
regularization and model evaluation (2) Supervised learning methods and algorithms (3) Unsupervised
learning (4) Neural networks and deep learning.
The course is accompanied by set of hands-on exercises, including both theory and applied
(programming) exercises.


Introduction to models, from neuron to brain, simplified neurons.
Introduction to learning regression and generalization with polynomial regression.
Classification, logistic regression, tree based algorithms
Regularization and model evaluation
Projection to half spaces, GD, SGD, Newton method
Bias and variance, the perceptron Algorithm
Perceptron as GD. online vs batch learning, log reg (3)
Non linear classification, Multi-layer perceptrons
MLP architectures. ConvNets, ResNets
Backpropagation, multi-class and softmax
Max-Margin classification, SVM
Duality, dual SVM, kernels (advanced class)
Kernel-SVM as a network, kernel examples
Generalization theorems, word embedding
Recurrent neural networks, RNNs and LSTMs
Unsupervised learning: clustering, k-means, Multi-variate Gaussians, PCA
PCA as reconstruction, Oja
Attention, entropy fundamentals of Info theory
Measures of uncertainty, Entropy and source coding
Dkl, The mutual information. Chains. Markov MaxEnt,
Info theory - cont., Compression
Continuous Entropy. Entropy of a Gaussian
Info Max as a learning principle
Denoising auto encoders
Rehearse information theory and learning
Advanced classes: Generative models VAE
Advanced classes: Generative models VAE

Advanced classes: Generative models GAN
linear dynamical systems, fixed points & stability, high dim
Stochastic linear system, Markov chains
Markov chains, non linear systems, bifurcations
non linear systems
Integrate and fire, associative memory, hopfield model
nonlinear models FN
Hopfield model
Hopfield learning

Esitietojen kuvaus

Mathematics: Probability and statistics, Linear Algebra, Calculus.
Fluency in a programming language preferably Python.


Machine Learning and Pattern recognition, C. Bishop (2006)
Deep Learning, I. Goodfellow and Y. Bengio (2015)
The Elements of Statistical Learning, T. Hastie et al. (2001)

See full list online here:


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