NANS1001 Fundamentals of Nanoscience (6 op)
The Fundamentals of Nanoscience course is taught by specialists from fields of physics, chemistry and biology. Introduction of the general ideas and concepts of nanoscience such as fundamental couplings, significance of charges and electromagnetic radiation in nanoscale, as well as nanofabrication. Topics include physical, chemical and biological aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
After passing this course the student
have an overview about interdisciplinary nanoscience involving fields of physics, chemistry, and molecular and cell biology.
recognizes the effects of a restricted size and the main properties of common nano-objects.
understands the fundamentals of the theoretical and experimental techniques in nanoscience.
knows how to fabricate nanoscale materials and devices using methods from different disciplines and combining them
understands how the major phenomena, such as different couplings, charges and EM-radiation appear in nanoscale in different disciplines and what is the connections between them
has a clear picture about scientific literature in nanoscience
can provide short concise presentations from various themes in nanoscience
Esitietojen kuvaus
Bachelor level knowledge from physics, chemistry and/or biology.
Material is distributed for the lectures plus the students participate in preparation of the study-material
Tapa 1
Osallistuminen opetukseen (6 op)
Every week includes 2-3 h lectures plus one optional hour for discussion. The course contains teamwork sessions, where students presents their findings on given topics in teams. Students also write essays about given topics about nanoscience. An estimated time for the home work is 8 h weekly. An exam takes place at the end of the course.