KOTES360 Facilitating and Assessing Learners' Digital Competencies (5 op)

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2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


This module is based on the DigCompEdu competence areas 4 and 6. The module focuses on usage of digital technologies and strategies to enhance assessment by enabling learners to use digital technologies creatively and responsibly for information, communication, content creation, well-being and problem solving.


Goals are to consider how digital technologies can

  • enhance existing assessment strategies, create or facilitate innovative assessment approaches
  • facilitate feedback and allow educators to assess and adapt their teaching strategies
  • incorporate learning activities, assignments and assessments, which require learners to adapt new digital competences required in diverse learning needs

Upon completion of the course you will be able to

  • design and implement learning activities that generate data for various digital assessment formats
  • analyse and interpret evidence on learners’ activity and progress
  • create and update personal search strategies
  • evaluate the credibility and reliability of sources of data, information and digital content
  • use digital technologies in innovative ways and transfer knowledge to new situations


The module is based in learning building blocks, in a weekly basis, except topic 4 (2 weeks). The topics cover issues concerning students’ learning monitoring and assessment strategies, also in relation to information and media literacy.

  1. Self-Introduction and choosing an e-portfolio tool
  2. Assessment strategies
  3. Analysing evidence
  4. Feedback and planning
  5. Information and media literacy
  6. Digital communication, collaboration and content creation
  7. My e-portfolio

This module consists of 10 weeks of work. Students work on key topics on a weekly basis. In this module, students need to choose a tool for their e-portfolio. They study the materials, discuss the topics in forum and present activities in forum and in the e-portfolio. There is also a group activity.


Tapa 1

The module will be based on the use of the portfolio as a fundamental tool for assessment. Major part of the module assessment is based on tasks/activities related to e-portfolio (80%). In addition, 20% of the assessment is related to tasks/activities on forum. The module is based on continuous assessment: tasks on forums, 1 group activity and e portfolio (with peer review). The module is evaluated in a final survey.
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