DMCS3120 Digital Marketing Communication (6 op)

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Jyväskylän yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


This course recognises the interlinking content with the following courses:

· Stakeholder relationship management

· Digital interaction

· Digital analytics and marketing performance measurement

· Capstone course on digital marketing and corporate communications

The course is organised around the following topics:
This course introduces the students to the various ways in which organizations use digital marketing communications today in identifying, interacting with and customizing their offerings to their potential and existing customers. The course deals with identifying and understanding the key theories and concepts associated with digital marketing communication and outlines the recent changes in digital communications. It discusses the various marketing communications instruments and channels with a special emphasis on integration of digital media. 
  • Instruments, tools and channels of digital marketing communications, and their integration to traditional tools
  • Moving from Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) to Omnichannel marketing
  • Planning your IMC/Omnichannel marketing strategy and tactics
  • Digitalization and interaction


After completion of the course the student is able to:
  • Explain the various digital marketing communications instruments and channels, and their integration with offline instruments
  • Plan, implement and analyze digital marketing communication strategies in different disciplines
  • Explain the effectiveness of omnichannel marketing and demonstrate its role and importance in companies’ marketing communication strategy


This course is not taught 24-25

This course is compulsory for Digital Marketing and Corporate Communications students and optional for Corporate Communication students and Marketing students.

For all other students, a previous study into marketing communications is required. Non-DMCC/Marketing/Corporate Communication Major students will be selected on the basis of their motivation letter outlining their interpretation of the importance of the Marketing Communications mix in todays’ world (max 1 page).

Esitietojen kuvaus

This course is compulsory for Digital Marketing and Corporate Communications students and optional for Corporate Communication students and Marketing students.

For all other students, a previous study into marketing communications is required. Non-DMCC/Marketing/Corporate Communication Major students will be selected on the basis of their motivation letter outlining their interpretation of the importance of the Marketing Communications mix in todays’ world (max 1 page).


Lecture content

Articles and cases announced by the instructor.


Tapa 1

Mandatory attendance to lectures, case analyses, group work etc. (min. 80% attendance is required to pass this course)
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