YCCJ1110 Dissertation Analysis (2 op)
This course offers students advanced knowledge of the dissertation process, focusing on the conventions of presenting research findings in written form in corporate communication. The course covers different dissertation formats, exploring their structures, requirements, and the process of preparing each of them. Students will learn the academic conventions associated with composing different types of doctoral dissertations, such as those following the monograph format or those structured around articles/essays. The course emphasises the importance of fostering independent personal learning through the study and analysis of practical examples from completed doctoral dissertations.
After completing this course, the student:
- understands the dissertation reporting process;
- knows the main academic standards in writing doctoral dissertations in corporate communication;
- can analyze the different dissertation formats, their structures and requirements and evaluate the role of the different sections in a finished dissertation;
- can prepare a dissertation plan according to one of the reporting formats (e.g. a monograph vs. essay/articled-based)
This course is recommended to be completed
during the first year of doctoral studies.
Examples of finished dissertations and additional material (e.g, instructions, handouts, or reading) provided by the lecturer