XENX9996 Advanced Academic Literacy Skills (3 op)

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Monikielisen akateemisen viestinnän keskus
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


Course description

This course is for students on the Integra programme who have already acquired the basics of academic literacies in English and are ready to further develop them. On this course students will develop their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in a range of academic and professional contexts. Typical tasks include researching and synthesising field-specific academic sources as well as critically presenting and discussing them with peers from various disciplines.

Main contents

  • Process writing skills
  • Synthesis skills
  • Argumentation skills
  • Referencing skills
  • Presentation skills
  • Constructive feedback skills
  • Independent study skills


On completion of the course, the student is expected to

  • have developed formal process writing skills 
  • be able to synthesise academic research information clearly, accurately and concisely in a variety of academic and professional contexts 
  • be able to critically discuss research information with peers from various disciplines 
  • provide constructive feedback to improve another’s work and utilize feedback to improve one’s own work 
  • access one’s own multilingual and multicultural repertoire as a tool for gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation of one’s field of expertise 
  • have developed independent skills for lifelong learning, such as goal setting, time management, and taking responsibility for one’s own work.


Target group: this course is for students of the Integra programme.

Language level: This course is aimed at students with a minimum CEFR level of B2. We cannot guarantee that students will achieve this level upon completion of the course.


Tapa 1

The assessment of this course is based on ongoing and active participation in all course activities as well as successful completion of the key tasks and assignments. More precise assessment criteria will be given during the course.
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