XDOC3001 Science Communication (2 op)

Opinnon taso:
Hyväksytty - hylätty
Monikielisen akateemisen viestinnän keskus
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


Communicating science beyond academia and making a societal impact


Course description

The course provides support for participants interested in diversifying their communication practices and increasing the impact of their research by connecting with a broader spectrum of audiences outside of academia. We will discuss the value of communicating science and promoting one’s own research to non-scientific communities, such as policymakers, industry professionals, practitioners, or the general public. We explore different opportunities for communicating science and various forms of collaboration, as well as strategies to convey scientific information effectively to ensure impactful engagement, also considering personal goals and preferences.

Main content

  • Communicating beyond academia: benefits, challenges, and risks; personal motivations, perspectives, and experiences.
  • The multilayered notion of impact, language and impact; science communication and science education.
  • Talking about science and your research to non-scientific/non-expert/lay audiences: strategies to achieve effective communication.
  • Science communication activities and forms of collaboration: talking with the media, preparing for an interview with a journalist; writing a popular article for general audiences; academic blogging: types of blogs and purposes, writing effective blog posts; social media for science communication, creating a video for general audiences.


On completion of the course, participants are expected to…

  • understand the multiple benefits and risks involved in reaching out to broader audiences.
  • recognise how engagement and impact activities shape and enrich academic identities.
  • be aware of the strengths and limitations associated with different modes of science communication.
  • be familiar with rhetorical strategies essential for recontextualising information and making the message understandable and accessible to specific non-scientific audiences.  


For any questions concerning this course, please contact the course-specific responsible teacher and not the curriculum-level responsible teacher whose contact information you see on this page. You can find the course teachers and their contact information by going to Completion methods -> Teaching -> Basic Information. 


Tapa 1

PASS-FAIL: Compulsory and active participation. Successful completion of core assignments. Final grading is based on the corresponding grading scale for the course.
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Osallistuminen opetukseen (2 op)

Osallistuminen opetukseen
Hyväksytty - hylätty
