NEUS1610 Brain Imaging of Language Functions (1–10 op)

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Psykologian laitos
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


Cognitive neuropsychology, modularity, aphasia, models of the mental lexicon, lexical access, fMRI, morphology,

fMRI of morphological processing, online sentence processing, fMRI of syntactic processing, ERP of sentence processing, reading,

Diffusion MRI, dMRI of reading pathways.


Cognitive neuropsychology, modularity, aphasia, models of the mental lexicon, lexical access, fMRI, morphology,

fMRI of morphological processing, online sentence processing, fMRI of syntactic processing, ERP of sentence processing, reading,

Diffusion MRI, dMRI of reading pathways.


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