KTTS4150 International Finance (5 op)

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Jyväskylän yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


Course examines the function of fx markets, pricing of international fixed income, currency and other international assets, partial equilibrium models and parities in international finance, efficiency in fx market, international diversification in stock markets, exchange rate risk, exposure, hedging and risk management in currency markets, emerging markets finance and open economy macro model.

Course themes are related to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth: Understanding international finance is crucial for promoting economic growth by facilitating international trade, investment, and job creation. Exchange rates play a significant role in global economic activities.

SDG 10: Reduced Inequality: International finance can impact global wealth distribution. Changes in exchange rates, for example, can affect the relative wealth of nations and individuals. Policies related to international finance can influence income distribution within and among countries.

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production: International finance can influence patterns of consumption and production globally. Understanding how exchange rates and financial markets operate internationally is essential for making informed decisions regarding responsible and sustainable economic activities.

SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions: Strong institutions are the backbone of the stable financial markets and at the background of economic growth.


On successful completion of the course, the students:
• are capable of identifying the main forms of international financial markets;
• understand the functions of international fixed income, currency and stock markets;
• are familiar with the most frequently utilized models and approaches for analyzing the connections between international financial markets and macro economy;

• are able to write analytical reports on a specific topic on international finance.

Contents of the course are related to the following working life skills (generic skills):

-critical evaluation and assessment;

-policy evaluation;

-oral and written communicating skills;

-analytic, systematic thinking skills;

-creative problem solving;

-causative modelling.


Recommended timing for BIF students: 1st year.
Recommended timing for Finnish M.Sc. degree students: 3rd or 4th year.


Lecture notes and other relevant material distributed through Moodle.


  • Cochrane, J. (ed.): Financial Markets and the Real Economy Volume 18 of the International Library of Critical Writings in Financial Economics (2006), also available as NBER Working Paper http://www.nber.org/papers/w11193.
  • http://www.nber.org/papers/w11193.
  • Krugman, P. , Obstfeld, M & Melitz M., 2018: International Economics; Theory & Policy, 11th ed., Global Edition; ISBN: 978-1292214870
  • Cuthbertson, C. & Nitzshce, D., 2004. Quantitative Financial Economics; Stocks, Bonds and Foreign Exchange, 2nd ed.; ISBN: 978-0470091715
  • Sercu, P., 2009: International Finance: Theory Into Practice; ISBN: 978-0-691-13667-7
  • Moffett, M.H., Stonehill, A. I. & Eiteman, D. K., 2016: Fundamentals of Multinational Finance, Global (5th) ed.; ISBN: 978-1292076539
  • Evans, M.D.D., 2011: Exchange Rate Dynamics.; ISBN: 978-0691150895
  • Bekaert, G. & Hodrick, R., 2018. International Financial Management, 3rd ed.; ISBN: 978-1107111820
  • Fabozzi, F.J., 2016. Bond Markets, Analysis, and Strategies, 9th ed.; ISBN: 978-0133796773


Tapa 1

Exam and assignments.
Periodi 4
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Osallistuminen opetukseen (5 op)

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