CEMS2110 Sustainability Transition and Business (5 op)

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2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


The aim of this course is to deepen the students’ understanding of sustainability transition and the role it plays for leading and managing businesses now and in the future. The course takes a multidisciplinary approach, integrating past and current discussions and debates on sustainability transitions. First, specific attention is devoted to understanding and anticipating transitions on a systemic level through referring to both socio-technical change and social-ecological transformations. Second, we introduce key concepts and theories on how businesses and other types of organizations participate and shape the change either collectively or individually. The course further seeks to foster discussion on how to address the transition on global, regional and sector/company level by using relevant case examples. The course consists of lectures, individual written assignment and a group work. Reading materials and other materials will be assigned during the course. For students majoring in Corporate Environmental Management, the course is integrated with XENT006 Academic literacies.

Connection of Course Contents to UN Sustainable Development Goals:

This course supports several UN Sustainable Development Goals, namely 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, 12 Responsible Production and Consumption and 13 Climate Action by presenting various concepts and approaches related to sustainability transition. Specific emphasis is given to the companies’ role, resources and practices to facilitate a transition towards more sustainable modes of social organising. In addition, UN Development goals 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities, 15 Life on Land and 17 Partnerships are closely connected to the course contents and assignments conducted during the course.


On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • identify the key drivers and barriers of sustainability transitions
  • explain and reflect on the main concepts and approaches to related sustainability transitions
  • explain and give examples of how business (re)organize their activities in the midst of transition
  • Understand the basic principles and application of foresight studies in organizational contexts

Esitietojen kuvaus

CEMA2330 Introduction to Responsible Business


Materials given at the lectures


Tapa 1

individual assignment, group assignment, lectures
Periodi 1, Periodi 2
Valitaan kaikki merkityt osat
Suoritustapojen osat

Osallistuminen opetukseen (5 op)

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