APKO1001 Interactive Learning Design for Multicultural Groups (5 op)

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Monikielisen akateemisen viestinnän keskus
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


Course description

Interactive Learning Design for Multicultural groups module supports JYU teachers and lecturers who work in different languages when teaching and guiding their students. It provides stimulating opportunities for the participants to share personal experiences and views, reflect on their own thinking, and co-design pedagogical practices. The overall aim is to increase understanding of the specific combination of language, pedagogical and intercultural competence needed in multilingual and intercultural contexts.

Main content of the course

  • English-medium instruction: challenges, benefits, perspectives
  • Interculturality in the academic classroom (including basic phenomena e.g. stereotyping, categorization and othering)
  • Interactive lecturing and pedagogical design
  • Guiding academic literacies
  • Reflecting on the role of language, identity and learning
  • Creating trust and cohesion in multilingual and intercultural learner groups


On the completion of the course, the participant is expected to

  • Understand the dimensions and perspectives inherent in teaching and learning in multicultural and multilingual context.
  • Enhance their competence and confidence to teach and guide in the intercultural and multilingual contexts.
  • Recognize the way language and language practices impact interaction and learning in multilingual and intercultural environments.
  • Increase their intercultural awareness and sensitivity related to multilingual pedagogical design and classroom interaction.
  • Expand their pedagogical toolkit to foster academic literacies, considering the individual needs of students within culturally and linguistically diverse groups.
  • Understand the pivotal role of interaction, collaboration, and dialogue in creating dynamic and engaging learning environments.


Participants are expected to have teaching during the module.


Tapa 1

Active participation and completion of all assignments.
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