KEMSYVNAN Kemian syventävät opinnot nanotieteilijöille (81+ op)

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2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028
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Advanced Studies in Chemistry for Nanoscientists, emphasise broad interdisciplinary knowledge on nanoscience and development as an expert and researcher. Laboratory work, including the fabrication and characterization of nano-objects, and computational methods are important part of the studies along with lectures and assignments. Nanoscience is a rapidly evolving field and teaching is tightly connected with state-of-art research topics. The understanding the nanoscale can be utilized in solving various cases in fields of research and industry and the significance of the reporting skills is essential. Final project of the studies is highly topical and closely related to the ongoing work of the interdisciplinary groups in Nanoscience Center. The Master’s thesis can also be made in cooperation with companies or other research institutes. The advanced studies are part of the international Master's Degree Programme that consists of studies completed in English and the Master's thesis must be completed in English.

Advanced Studies in Chemistry for Nanoscientists fill the requirements needed to continue for doctoral studies.


Upon completion of the Advanced Studies in Chemistry for Nanoscientists, the student will master the basic theories of chemistry and especially their specialty. Student is able to analyze information critically and understand the importance of continuous learning. Student is able to acquire information, plan, schedule and work independently and in groups. Student understands and can interpret the results of the work numerically and graphically, drawing conclusions. Student is able to report the work orally and in writing, taking into account the different target audiences. The student is able to work independently in the laboratory and is familiar with occupational safety and is able to take into account different risk factors. The student has extensive methodological skills and is able to apply them to their own work. The student is able to make, identify, analyze and model compounds.

Esitietojen kuvaus

Intermediate Studies in Chemistry for Nanoscientists or Intermediate Studies in Chemistry.


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