FYSJ5104 PH1/NANO2: Emergent quantum matter in artificial two-dimensional materials (JSS32) (2 op)

Opinnon taso:
Hyväksytty - hylätty
Matemaattis-luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta


Van der Waals materials have risen as one the most powerful platforms to explore exotic quantum states in materials. The disruptive impact of 2D materials in physics stems from three key properties of these compounds. First, the variety of electronic orders in these compounds, ranging from conventional states to unconventional ones, rivaling the most exotic bulk compounds. Second, the existence of different electronic orders provides an outstanding starting point to engineer new quantum states by combining different materials. And third, the van der Waals nature of these materials allows engineering emergent electronic states by creating artificial lattices stemming from moire patterns. In this summer course, we will introduce and review some of the most recent developments in quantum van der Waals materials, focusing on the emergence of artificial exotic quantum matter in these systems.
The topics covered include:

  • Introduction to van der Waals quantum materials
  • Introduction to interacting phases of matter: mean-field theory, symmetry breaking, emergent quasiparticles
  • Conventional and unconventional superconductivity in van der Waals heterostructures
  • Ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism and magnons in monolayer ferromagnets
  • Quantum magnetism, quantum spin-liquids and spinons in van der Waals materials
  • Artificial moire electronic states in twisted van der Waals heterostructures
  • Topological van der Waals matter: quantum spin Hall insulators, integer and fractional Chern insulators
  • Van der Waals multiferroic materials


After the course, students will know about the different possibilities in engineering artificial topological matter with van der Waals materials. The students will learn the basics of conventional and unconventional superconductivity, fractionalization in van der Waals quantum magnets, and topological states emerging in two-dimensional materials. The students will gain an overview of different exotic quantum states in van der Waals materials, and in particular, the emergence of unconventional quasiparticles in collective quantum matter. The course will provide a strong background for future studies in quantum materials, quantum electronics, and quantum technologies.

Esitietojen kuvaus

  • Introductory solid state physics or materials physics
  • Introductory quantum mechanics


Tapa 1

Independent study. Online lectures (Youtube)/homework (Python). If in person or online assistance is needed please contact the course coordinator. Both in person and online assistance will be available upon request on Mondays for setting up the required tools (own laptop will be required). In addition, there will be a possibility of discussing the exercises with the course coordinator each day.
Valitaan kaikki merkityt osat
Suoritustapojen osat

Itsenäinen työskentely (2 op)

Itsenäinen työskentely
Hyväksytty - hylätty

Independent study. Online lectures (Youtube)/homework (Python). If in person or online assistance is needed please contact the course coordinator. Both in person and online assistance will be available upon request on Mondays for setting up the required tools (own laptop will be required). In addition, there will be a possibility of discussing the exercises with the course coordinator each day.
