EKIS5180 Sociolinguistics (5 op)
This course focuses on the relationship between language and society. The connection between social identity and language use will be examined. Main topics include language variation,social semiotics, gender, and language attitudes.
Completion methods
Contact teaching: active class participation, learning journal, group presentation + Q&A
Self-study: extended learning journal
Assessment details
Learning journal, active participation and group presentation
Extended learning journal
- define and apply key terminology in the field of sociolinguistics
- explain the effect of social factors on (English) language use
- describe major strands of research in sociolinguistics
- identify usable data and ways of conducting research on language
- apply the concepts learnt in data analysis
- group work
- designing and conducting an original research project including fieldwork
- giving a research presentation (and asking questions of others)
Attendance 80%
Please note that you cannot take this course if you completed EKIA514 Sociolinguistics 1 class option in the 2017-20 syllabus, or the self-study option from March 2020 onwards. If you took EKIA514 Sociolinguistics 1 self-study between 2017 and March 2020, you may enrol on this course now.
Esitietojen kuvaus
EKIP2001 Introduction to Language Study or EKIP2010 English Linguistics
Pakolliset esitiedot
- Esitietoryhmä 1
- EKIP2001 Introduction to Language Study (4 op)Ei julkaistu tälle opetussuunnitelmakaudelle
- Esitietoryhmä 2
Contact course:
A list of literature is provided at the beginning of the course
Self study option:
Please see the course
description for details of required readings and other study materials
Tapa 1
Tapa 2
Osallistuminen opetukseen (5 op)
Contact teaching: active class participation, learning journal, group presentation + Q&A
Provided in Moodle
- A list of literature is provided at the beginning of the course
8.1.–26.5.2024 Pienryhmäopetus
Self-study (5 op)
Extended learning journal
Please see the course description for details of required readings and other study materials.