BENJ1002 Tieteelliset konferenssit (4–10 op)

Opinnon taso:
Hyväksytty - hylätty
englanti, suomi
Bio- ja ympäristötieteiden laitos
2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024


Tieteelliset konferenssit


Doctoral researchers are expected to participate in scientific conferences related to their study subject (national or international) during the four-year doctoral study period. Credits are awarded only for conferences in which the doctoral student presents her/his research in the form of a talk or a poster: 1 ECTS (national) or 2 ECTS (international). At least one poster or oral presentation must be made at an international scientific congress. Students must earn a minimum of 4 ECTS, but can earn a maximum of 10 ECTS. Students must collect information about their participation in scientific conferences in an electronic portfolio for the entire doctoral study period and ask for the credits to be recorded only at the end of the study period (see additional information).


A doctoral student will gain experience in preparing and presenting a talk or poster presentation on her/his research for a scientific conference. The student will gain experience in interacting with a national or international audience. By attending other presentations at the conference, a student will learn about the latest, cutting-edge research and understand the current state of research. Conferences give a student the opportunity to build a professional, international network with both peer doctoral students and more advanced researchers in her/his field.


Doctoral students should collect the information regarding their scientific conference participation for the entire doctoral study period. Participation is documented in the form of an electronic portfolio, which records the name and dates of the scientific conference, whether the conference is national or international and whether the student presents a poster or oral presentation. The portfolio should be supplemented with the conference schedule or program. When the student has finished her/his participation in scientific conferences and no longer wishes to earn credits for this course code, the portfolio is submitted to

  • This course is required for all PhD researchers in the Department’s Graduate programme in Biological and Environmental Science (min 4 ECTS).

Financial support for attending conferences can be applied from the doctoral program: see information on the doctoral program web pages.

Esitietojen kuvaus

Kurssille osallistuminen ei edellytä edeltäviä opintoja.


Tapa 1

Doctoral students should collect the information regarding their scientific conference participation for the entire doctoral study period. Participation is documented in the form of an electronic portfolio, which records the name and dates of the scientific conference, whether the conference is national or international and whether the student presents a poster or oral presentation. The portfolio should be supplemented with the conference schedule or program. When the student has finished her/his participation in scientific conferences and no longer wishes to earn credits for this course code, the portfolio is submitted to one of the responsible professors from the doctoral program steering group.
To get a passing grade, the doctoral student presents her/his research in the form of a talk or a poster: 1 ECTS (national) or 2 ECTS (international). At least one poster or oral presentation must be made at an international scientific conference. Students must earn a minimum of 4 ECTS but can earn a maximum of 10 ECTS.
Periodi 1, Periodi 2, Periodi 3, Periodi 4, Periodi 5
Valitaan kaikki merkityt osat
Suoritustapojen osat

Osallistuminen opetukseen (4–10 op)

Osallistuminen opetukseen
Hyväksytty - hylätty
Hyväksytty suoritus vaati, että opiskelija esittää tutkimuksensa puheena tai julisteena: 1 op (kansallinen) tai 2 ECTS (kansainvälinen).
englanti, suomi

Aktiivinen osallistuminen. 
