JSBP9110 Introduction to Accounting and Financial Management (LITO) (5 cr)
Study level:
Basic studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics
Curriculum periods:
2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024
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LITO-opintokokonaisuus: Johdatus taloushallintoon
· Financial management: An overall view
· The concept of accounting and what it means for companies and society
· The substance of and differences in management and financial accounting
· Basic functions of Excel
· Financial accounting
- Goals, content and structure of statements; central accounting principles; the basics of bookkeeping
- Balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements and their connections
- International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS); the principles of group accounts
- Connections between income statements and taxation
- Financial statement analysis
· Management accounting
- Accounting for strategic management; implementing strategy; scorecards
- The management of a profit centre organisation (including economic value added and WACC)
- Budgeting and budgetary systems
- Cost accounting tasks and cost concepts; product, service and customer profitability
- Ad hoc calculations; cost-volume-profit analysis and pricing
- Estimating the profitability of investments
· The key concepts of corporate governance and corporate finance
- Key issues in corporate governance (incl. ownership, the board of directors, rewarding systems)
- Key issues in managing capital structure (equity and non-equity capital, capital cost)
- Key issues in managing working capital (inventory and cash management, sales receivables and accounts payable)
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, students will be able to:
- identify the role of accounting in organisations and society
- understand the content and structure of financial statements and the purposes for which the statements can be used
- read financial statements and calculate and interpret key financial ratios
- understand the key role of accounting systems in providing information for decision-making within organisations and understand how this information can be used to manage both the organisation and the behaviour of individuals within the organisation
- evaluate and assess the financial profitability of products, services, customers and investments and make sound business decisions based on this information
- identify the role of corporate governance in organisations and society
- comprehend the basic questions of corporate finance and able to identify the answers to these questions
- use the basic functions of Excel.
Additional information
Students should have Microsoft Excel software at their disposal during the course.
The latest information about the course is updated and published at www.lito.fi.
Description of prerequisites
Students must have upper secondary school
Study materials
course material is available on the course site.
- Ikäheimo, S. – Malmi, T. – Walden, R. (2019) Yrityksen laskentatoimi. Talentum, Helsinki.
Completion methods
Method 1
Useimpiin asiakokonaisuuksiin kuuluu lyhyitä esittelyvideoita, lukumateriaalia ja harjoitustehtäviä. Osassa asiakokonaisuuksia on tehtäviä, jotka arvostellaan.Opintojaksoon kuuluu kolme mahdollisuutta tentin suorittamiseen. Tenttiajankohdat ilmoitetaan kurssiohjeissa oppimisalustalla.
Evaluation criteria:
Moduuleissa olevat arvosteltavat tehtävät 30 %, tentti 70 %
Time of teaching:
Period 1, Period 2
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods
Independent study (5 cr)
Independent study
Grading scale:
9/12–11/6/2023 Online teaching
Enrolment closedTeaching ended