CIPA4422 Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in Counseling and Clinical Settings (5 op)

Opinnon taso:
Psykologian laitos
2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024


The course is intended for psychology students interested to learn about the basics of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).


The primary aim of the course is to introduce students to the Acceptance
and Commitment Therapy processes and prepare students in applying
this knowledge in their future work with clients. Students will be
introduced to the theory of ACT and its practical application particularly
in counseling settings. The psychological flexibility model underlying ACT
is a unified, rather than symptomatologic, model for behavior change and
personal development.
In this course, students will be familiarized with the basic principles of
ACT and method, by incorporating, amongst others, the use of related
literature, video-lectures, podcasts, videotaped interviews from well-
known researchers and practitioners in the field. In addition, the course
will include a selection of exercises and metaphors related to the model
which students can practice independently and in groups.


After completing the course, students will:
1. Become familiar with the key principles and theory of ACT .
2. Get acquainted with evidence of the model’s effectiveness.
3. Understand the ACT therapeutic/training model and its application to
a variety of situations, particularly counselling situations
4. Be able to use new techniques for helping clients articulate their
values and identify workable actions.
5. Understand basic mindfulness techniques and how to apply them with
6. Ultimately, be able to apply, flexibly, the different ACT techniques to
improve the wellbeing of clients as well as to address different


This course consists of a combination of face-to-face meetings along with
web-based individual work. The course includes:
• Face-to-face lectures. Five lectures during the course. Attendance is
• Five learning logs submitted after each lecture. This compounds 10%
of the total grade.
• Online material. Online individual assignments during the course of
ten (10) weeks. Each week we will work with a different theme. This
compounds 40% of the total grade.
• Group work. During the course, students will be assigned into a peer
group. Each group will meet face-to-face to bring the theory learned
(during the lectures and online materials) into practice. There will be
a total of three meetings. In each meeting students will play the role of
the counsellor/therapist and client. Each student will record a video
of him/herself playing the role of the therapist/counselor and upload
it into the web environment (Moodle). This compounds 10% of the total
• Final role-play. Each student will decide in which topic will focus on
in the final role-play. Then, two students at the time (one being the
consellor/therapist and one being the client) will receive a script of a
client´s situation and the “counsellor/therapist” will apply ACT
principles to help that particular client. This compounds 40% of the
total grade.

Students should expect to spend between 12 hours per week
participating in class activities, getting acquainted to the course’s
material and completing assignments.

Completion mode: Lectures, Learning Logs, Individual Online Assignments, Peer-Group
meetings (Role-Play Videos), Final Role-Play.

Esitietojen kuvaus

At least one year of studies in psychology.


To be announced in the annual teaching programme.


Tapa 1

Lectures, Learning Logs, Individual Online Assignments, Peer-Group meetings (Role-Play Videos), Final Role-Play.
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Osallistuminen opetukseen (5 op)

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