BENS7006 BIO1: Resilience of Society and Natural and Man-made Causes for Migration (JSS31) (3 op)
This short course will support the participation of Forthem students and researchers in the dialogue and learning processes that are related to the challenges of man-made and natural phenomena to our society. The content of the course is multidisciplinary starting from the pressures to our present infrastructure (civil engineering) to the wellbeing and safety as well as human rights of our societies.
The student understands the complexity of natural and man-made migration and their root causes of them.
Esitietojen kuvaus
M.Sc and PhD -students from all disciplines.
Tapa 1
Osallistuminen opetukseen (3 op)
The working method is combination of expert lectures, demonstrations and group works dealing with different aspects of the resilience, existing cases, and emerging risks. The students can simulate how to be prepared to ad -hoc evaluation, preparation of self-support for 3 days survival and taste the conditions of refugee camp or temporary shelter. The demonstration material will be provided from Finnish Red Cross.