JSBJ1311 Advanced statistical research methods (6–10 op)
Causality, endogeneity, and natural experiments
Structural equation modeling, mediation, and instrumental variables
Generalized linear and other non-linear models
Moderation, structural equation modeling with latenr variables
Measurement and measurement validation
Multilevel models
Sampling, sample seletion, and missing data
Longitudinal analysis and multilevel and generalized structural equation models
This is an advanced level course that is designed for student that have already some experience in using quantitative research designs and data analysis techniques in their own research. The goal of the course is to develop a more thorough understanding of how and why certain techniques are used and what principles these techniques are based on. The course focuses on longitudinal and multilevel designs and analyses. The techniques covered include all advanced econometrics and latent variable techniques used in Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, The Leadership Quarterly, Organization Science, Personnel Psychology, and Strategic Management Journal. The focus of the course will be on how these techniques can be used to empirically support causal claims taking particularly the issues of endogeneity and measurement validity into account.
The course consists of eight units, that each take two to four weeks and contain video lectures, online and in-person discussions, and assignments. The number of credits varies between 6-10 depending on which assignments students choose to complete. The content of each course component is explained later in the course brochure. All data analysis assignments can be completed with Stata or R. Mplus can be used for some of the assignment or their parts.
The course will run from September to May every other academic year.
The course is organized in collaboration with Aalto University. The materials are hosted on Aalto Moodle (mycourses.aalto.fi) and on Zotero. The reading materials consists of articles, book, and book chapters on research design and analysis.
The course follows a blended learning where the traditional lecture content is delivered as pre-recorded videos. The video materials include about 230-240 lectures of varying length.