EKIS3140 Psycholinguistics and L2 learning (5 op)
During this course, we will explore the relationship between language and the mind, focusing specifically on learning about the processes involved in comprehending, producing and storing spoken and written language and the mental representations of language in our brains. It will introduce students to the basic concepts, research topics and methods in psycholinguistics both from first (L1) and second (L2) language use and learning perspectives.
Completion methods
Contact teaching: Active participation in reading circle activities and preparing a group presentation, evaluated through students self- and teacher evaluation (40%). Course task is based on short essay- based assignments (60%).
Assessment details
Group presentation, self- and teacher evaluation, essay-based assignments
Learning outcomes: After completing this course, students should be able to
- describe and discuss key research areas in psycholinguistics
- identify and understand major issues and processes concerning language production and comprehension in both L1 and L2 language use and learning
- understand experimental and qualitative methods used in studying language comprehension and production
- utilize the reading circle method and plan and present a group presentation on a selected topic
Attendance policy: 80%
Esitietojen kuvaus
Students should have completed Basic studies. It is also highly recommended that students have taken KOPA1000 Johdatus kielen oppimisen ja opettamisen tutkimukseen and EKIA315 Current Issues in Teaching English / EKIA3010 Teaching English Today.
Suositellut esitiedot
- Esitietoryhmä 1
- KOPA1000 Johdatus kielen oppimisen ja opettamisen tutkimukseen (5 op)
- EKIA315 Current Issues in Teaching English (5 op)Ei julkaistu tälle opetussuunnitelmakaudelle
- Englannin kielen perusopinnot
- Esitietoryhmä 2
- Esitietoryhmä 3
- KOPA1000 Johdatus kielen oppimisen ja opettamisen tutkimukseen (5 op)
- EKIA315 Current Issues in Teaching English (5 op)Ei julkaistu tälle opetussuunnitelmakaudelle
- Englannin kielen perusopinnot valinnaisina opintoinaEi julkaistu tälle opetussuunnitelmakaudelle
- Esitietoryhmä 4
- KOPA1000 Johdatus kielen oppimisen ja opettamisen tutkimukseen (5 op)
- EKIA3010 Teaching English Today (5 op)
- Englannin kielen perusopinnot valinnaisina opintoinaEi julkaistu tälle opetussuunnitelmakaudelle
- Selected chapters from Warren, P. (2013). Introducing psycholinguistics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Selected chapters from Grosjean, F., Li, P. & Bialystok, E. (2012). The psycholinguistics of bilingualism. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Tapa 1
Osallistuminen opetukseen (5 op)
Contact teaching: Active participation in reading circle activities and preparing a group presentation, evaluated through students self- and teacher evaluation (40%). Course task is based on short essay- based assignments (60%).
- Selected chapters from Warren, P. (2013). Introducing psycholinguistics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Selected chapters from Grosjean, F., Li, P. & Bialystok, E. (2012). The psycholinguistics of bilingualism. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.