CNSJ1400 Muu asiantuntijaosaaminen (5 op)

Opinnon taso:
Hyväksytty - hylätty
englanti, suomi
Psykologian laitos
2021-2022, 2022-2023


Pedagogical skills, leadership skills, entrepreneurial skills, skills related to quality assurance ordevelopment, knowledge of working life.

Method of study:
  • Tasks as an expert: planning, teaching and developing tasks in departments and projects of the University
  • Tasks serving the interests of society at large: significant development tasks in society and/or academic pedagogical studies in your field or study
  • Courses, guest lectures, meetings developing your expertise in the field, approved as part of the studies by the supervisors.

Examples of study credits to be achieved
  • max. 3 ECTS credits /project: working as a project researcher or assistant in the field related to the topic of dissertation
  • 0.5 - 1ECTS credits: participating in the planning of new research projects
  • max. 2 ECTS credits: expert tasks related to the topic of the dissertation, such as teaching an advanced level method course (not including the teaching tasks of the position of doctoral student)


● have the ability to act as an expert in the field of the doctoral dissertation in research-based development, teaching, and planning tasks in multiprofessional groups

● have the ability to participate in research-based pedagogical activities / possess pedagogical competence in higher education

● have the skills and capabilities needed in building a professional academic career (e.g. project management skills, managerial skills, interaction skills as well as skills related to information and communication technology)


Tapa 1

To be agreed with the supervisors.
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Osallistuminen opetukseen (5 op)

Osallistuminen opetukseen
Hyväksytty - hylätty
englanti, suomi
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