YCCA2170 Media Relations (5 op)

Opinnon taso:
englanti, suomi
Jyväskylän yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu
2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023


The study module examines how organizations engage with contemporary media actors, programs and publications for strategic communication purposes. Students will gain an understanding of how media professionals operate in complex processes of mass communication through various offline and online media channels. The study module contributes to a better understanding not only of the media’s perpetual and ubiquitous influence over people’s understanding of important events and issues, but also organizations’ and institutions’ influence over the media. In doing so, this study module supports UN Sustainable Development Goals 4 Quality education and 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions. 


After completing this study module, the student will be able to:

  • Understand how organizations manage mutually beneficial relationships with news media

  • Identify tactics and tools to gain favourable online & offline media publicity

  • Understand routines, practices & policies of news media organizations and journalists

  • Analyse & plan media strategy, including press conferences, media releases & social media posts aimed at gaining positive media attention for organizations. 


JSBE: Offered in English.

Avoin yliopisto: suorituskieli suomi

Esitietojen kuvaus

Avoimessa yliopistossa pakollisena esitietona on YTTP1150 - Viestinnän johtamisen perusteet ja suositeltuina esitietoina Liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet -opintokokonaisuus.


Students will be required to read one or more allocated chapters from the following book before attending most sessions:

  • Johnston, J. (2013). Media relations: Issues and strategies (2nd edition). Sydney: Allen & Unwin.

Note: Read allocated chapters before coming to class. This will help you to better follow the lecture. There are only 13 copies in the JYU library, so plan your reading time wisely.

Recommended background reading:

  • Kilpeläinen, Jaakko (2020). Earned Publicity: Everything Essential About Media Communication. (In Finnish only.) Available from: https://njkl.fi/tasta-kaikesta-on-kyse-mediaviestintaoppaassani/
  • Cornelissen, J. (2017). Corporate Communication. A Guide to Theory and Practice. 5th edition. Sage Publications Ltd. ISBN: 9781473953697
  • McQuail, D. (2000). McQuail‘s mass communication theory (4th edition). London: Sage.
  • Shoemaker, P.J., & Reese, S.D. (1996). Mediating the message: Theories of influences on mass media content. New York: Longman
  • Zerfass, A., Verčič, D. & Wiesenberg, M. (2016). The dawn of a new golden age for media relations?: How PR professionals interact with the mass media and use new collaboration practices. Public Relations Review, Vol.42(4), pp.499-508


Nämä suoritustavat koskevat Jyväskylän yliopiston tutkinto-opiskelijoita. Muita vaihtoehtoja:

Tapa 1

Media topic report, media release, and media strategy plan
Periodi 3
Valitaan kaikki merkityt osat
Suoritustapojen osat

Osallistuminen opetukseen (5 op)

Osallistuminen opetukseen
