Master's Degree Programme in Development, Education and International Cooperation
Kasvatustieteen maisteri, Yhteiskuntatieteiden maisteri
Tutkinto-ohjelman tyyppi:
Ylempi tutkinto-ohjelma
120 op
Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian laitos, Humanistis-yhteiskuntatieteellinen tiedekunta, Kasvatustieteiden laitos, Kasvatustieteiden ja psykologian tiedekunta
After completing the programme the student
- has a deep understanding of concepts and theories related to international
development, the evolution of these theories and debates around them
- has a deep understating of current issues and debates in development policy, global
education, and sustainable development
- is experienced in learning and communicating in an international and intercultural
team, and has specific capacities in planning development projects co-operatively
- is capable to find, assess, and utilise academic knowledge and apply scientific methods to
problem-solving in an ethically sound manner
- has the knowledge and skills to pursue doctoral studies in development studies, education,
and related fields
- has a deep understanding of concepts and theories related to international
development, the evolution of these theories and debates around them
- has a deep understating of current issues and debates in development policy, global
education, and sustainable development
- is experienced in learning and communicating in an international and intercultural
team, and has specific capacities in planning development projects co-operatively
- is capable to find, assess, and utilise academic knowledge and apply scientific methods to
problem-solving in an ethically sound manner
- has the knowledge and skills to pursue doctoral studies in development studies, education,
and related fields
Valitse kaikki (94+ op)
- Tarkka kuvaus
Advanced Studies in Development, Education and International Cooperation
95–100 opDEISYVValitse kaikki (90–95 op)Specialisation
Valitse 1 kpl (55–60 op / 115 op)- Tarkka kuvaus
Specialisation in Development Studies
118+ opDEIMP_DEVSPValitse kaikki (55 op)Thesis studies and research skills
Valitse kaikki (50 op)
Compulsory Studies
Valitse kaikki (35 op)Critical Development Studies
Valitse kaikki (15 op)
Language and communication studies
Valitse 4–10 opElective Studies
Valitse kaikki (0+ op)Internship
Valitse 0–1 kpl (0–10 op / 20 op)Elective courses
Valitse väh. 0 op- Vapaasti valittava opintojakso
Elective modules
Valitse väh. 0 op- Vapaasti valittava opintokokonaisuus