Master's Degree Programme in Corporate Environmental Management

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120 op
Jyväskylän yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu


Master’s program in corporate environmental management consists of compulsory environmental management courses, minor studies in environmental/natural science (students with business background) or basic business studies (students with environmental/natural science background), and language/communication skills courses, and optional courses. Compulsory environmental management studies include courses on societal transformation towards sustainability, material flow management, environmental management systems, environmental management strategies, sustainable marketing and consumption, project working, and environmental management in stakeholder networks. Master’s thesis is included in the studies.

Supplementary studies
Depending on the individual background, the student may be required to take some supplementary courses.
CEMA2110 Business, Society and the Environment course (5 ECTs) is compulsory for all CEM students, unless an equal course has been completed during previous studies. This course does not count against the 120 ECTS credit points necessary to complete the Master' Programme in Corporate Environmental Management.


Discipline based knowledge, knowledge application, and responsible business
CEM graduates master the three core content areas of their discipline: identifying environmental impacts, managing environmental impacts, and eco-competitiveness. CEM graduates are able to apply the core scientific knowledge of their discipline in practice.
Research skills
CEM graduates are competent in critically analyzing interdisciplinary challenges related to sustainability in business.
Communication and language skills
CEM graduates have good communication skills in international business environment.


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