YKPS3011 Vertaileva sosiaalipolitiikka (5 op)
Opinnon taso:
Syventävät opinnot
englanti, suomi
Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian laitos
2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020
- Luentokurssi vertailevasta sosiaalipolitiikasta ja hyvinvointivaltiomalleista
- Ryhmäkeskustelut
- Lecture series on comparative social policy and welfare state models
- Group discussions
Kontaktiopetus ja itsenäinen työskentely
Active participation and independent work
Aktiivinen osallistuminen ja kirjallinen työ
Active participation and written assignment
Opintojakson suoritettuaan opiskelija osaa vertailla erilaisia hyvinvointivaltiomalleja, ja kuvailla miten yhteiskuntapolitiikka toimii eri hyvinvointiregiimien alueilla.
Students will be able to compare different models of welfare states and describe how social policy functions in the areas of welfare regimes.
Students will be able to compare different models of welfare states and describe how social policy functions in the areas of welfare regimes.
Suoritusvaatimuksiin sisältyvä kurssikirjallisuus ja/tai mahdollinen muu materiaali ilmoitetaan erikseen kurssilla.
Literature and other materials will be informed during the course.
Literature and other materials will be informed during the course.
Tapa 1
Valitaan kaikki merkityt osat
Suoritustapojen osat
Osallistuminen opetukseen (5 op)
Osallistuminen opetukseen
englanti, suomi
29.1.–4.4.2020 Luento-opetus
1.11.2019 0.00–22.1.2020 23.59
Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian laitos
16.9.–28.10.2020 Luento-opetus
1.8.2020 0.00–9.9.2020 23.59
Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian laitos
Taught in Finnish in period 1, English in Period 3, if there are one or more students who ask for it in English. Individual assignments (e.g.policy brief) for either session can be completed in Finnish or English.
13.1.–8.3.2021 Luento-opetus
1.11.2020 0.00–6.1.2021 23.59
Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian laitos
This is a course to develop your comparative policy analysis, policy-focused research dissemination, team work, and presentation skills. In the contemporary world, it has become common to look to other countries for policy lessons. We will work on the topic of energy policy in international comparison, and in particular at the social and employment policy implications of the shift to renewable energy. In the period between 2018-2020, the levelized cost of solar and wind power has become lower than fossil fuels and nuclear for around 70% of the world’s population, and electric vehicles are proliferating. While this is good news for climate change, it has devastating implications for employment in sectors reliant on fossil fuels, such as coal mining and oil extraction, shipping, automobile manufacturing and especially parts, utilities, fueling stations, car dealerships and repair. Students will research policy and compare solutions to the socio-economic problems which will emerge this in different countries. This occurs through group research, and policy presentations. Each student will write a short policy brief with recommendations.
The course is a core MA course in Social and Public Policy, who have priority enrollment. Other students are welcome based on available space; there will probably be space. The course will be taught in English in Period 3, if there is demand for it, otherwise in Finnish. Regardless of the language of instruction, the written assignment can be completed in English or in Finnish, at the option of the student.
While the topic may seem interesting to the casual student, please keep in mind that this is a core MA level course with specific skill learning goals, and the workload is relatively high. Furthermore, it is group work, which can be done remotely, but please only enroll if you are committed to doing the work, as others in your group will be counting on you.
The course is a core MA course in Social and Public Policy, who have priority enrollment. Other students are welcome based on available space; there will probably be space. The course will be taught in English in Period 3, if there is demand for it, otherwise in Finnish. Regardless of the language of instruction, the written assignment can be completed in English or in Finnish, at the option of the student.
While the topic may seem interesting to the casual student, please keep in mind that this is a core MA level course with specific skill learning goals, and the workload is relatively high. Furthermore, it is group work, which can be done remotely, but please only enroll if you are committed to doing the work, as others in your group will be counting on you.
3.11.–15.12.2021 Luento-opetus
10.8.2021 0.00–27.10.2021 23.59
Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian laitos
Taught in Finnish in period 2, English in Period 4, if there are one or more students who ask for it in English. Individual assignments (e.g.policy brief) for either session can be completed in Finnish or English.
23.3.–11.5.2022 Luento-opetus
1.12.2021 0.00–16.3.2022 23.59
Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian laitos
Taught in English in Period 4!
This is a course to develop your comparative policy analysis, policy-focused research dissemination, team work, and presentation skills. In the contemporary world, it has become common to look to other countries for policy lessons. We will work on the topic of energy policy in international comparison, and in particular at the social and employment policy implications of the shift to renewable energy. In the period between 2018-2020, the levelized cost of solar and wind power has become lower than fossil fuels and nuclear for around 70% of the world’s population, and electric vehicles are proliferating. While this is good news for climate change, it has devastating implications for employment in sectors reliant on fossil fuels, such as coal mining and oil extraction, shipping, automobile manufacturing and especially parts, utilities, fueling stations, car dealerships and repair. Students will research policy and compare solutions to the socio-economic problems which will emerge this in different countries. This occurs through group research, and policy presentations. Each student will write a short policy brief with recommendations.
The course is a core MA course in Social and Public Policy, who have priority enrollment. Other students are welcome based on available space; there will probably be space. The course will be taught in English in Period 4, if there is demand for it, otherwise in Finnish. Regardless of the language of instruction, the written assignment can be completed in English or in Finnish, at the option of the student.
While the topic may seem interesting to the casual student, please keep in mind that this is a core MA level course with specific skill learning goals, and the workload is relatively high. Furthermore, it is group work, which can be done remotely, but please only enroll if you are committed to doing the work, as others in your group will be counting on you.
This is a course to develop your comparative policy analysis, policy-focused research dissemination, team work, and presentation skills. In the contemporary world, it has become common to look to other countries for policy lessons. We will work on the topic of energy policy in international comparison, and in particular at the social and employment policy implications of the shift to renewable energy. In the period between 2018-2020, the levelized cost of solar and wind power has become lower than fossil fuels and nuclear for around 70% of the world’s population, and electric vehicles are proliferating. While this is good news for climate change, it has devastating implications for employment in sectors reliant on fossil fuels, such as coal mining and oil extraction, shipping, automobile manufacturing and especially parts, utilities, fueling stations, car dealerships and repair. Students will research policy and compare solutions to the socio-economic problems which will emerge this in different countries. This occurs through group research, and policy presentations. Each student will write a short policy brief with recommendations.
The course is a core MA course in Social and Public Policy, who have priority enrollment. Other students are welcome based on available space; there will probably be space. The course will be taught in English in Period 4, if there is demand for it, otherwise in Finnish. Regardless of the language of instruction, the written assignment can be completed in English or in Finnish, at the option of the student.
While the topic may seem interesting to the casual student, please keep in mind that this is a core MA level course with specific skill learning goals, and the workload is relatively high. Furthermore, it is group work, which can be done remotely, but please only enroll if you are committed to doing the work, as others in your group will be counting on you.
YKPS3011 Comparative (fi, en)
2.11.–14.12.2022 Luento-opetus
10.8.2022 0.00–26.10.2022 23.59
Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian laitos
Taught in Finnish in period 2, English in Period 4, if there are one or more students who ask for it in English. Individual assignments (e.g.policy brief) for either session can be completed in Finnish or English.
22.3.–10.5.2023 Luento-opetus
1.12.2022 0.00–15.3.2023 23.59
Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian laitos
This is a course to develop your comparative policy analysis, policy-focused research dissemination, team work, and presentation skills. In the contemporary world, it has become common to look to other countries for policy lessons. We will work on the topic of energy policy in international comparison, and in particular at the social and employment policy implications of the shift to renewable energy. In the period between 2018-2020, the levelized cost of solar and wind power has become lower than fossil fuels and nuclear for around 70% of the world’s population, and electric vehicles are proliferating. While this is good news for climate change, it has devastating implications for employment in sectors reliant on fossil fuels, such as coal mining and oil extraction, shipping, automobile manufacturing and especially parts, utilities, fueling stations, car dealerships and repair. Students will research policy and compare solutions to the socio-economic problems which will emerge this in different countries. This occurs through group research, and policy presentations. Each student will write a short policy brief with recommendations.
The course is a core MA course in Social and Public Policy, who have priority enrollment. Other students are welcome based on available space; there will probably be space. The course will be taught in English in Period 4, if there is demand for it, otherwise in Finnish. Regardless of the language of instruction, the written assignment can be completed in English or in Finnish, at the option of the student.
While the topic may seem interesting to the casual student, please keep in mind that this is a core MA level course with specific skill learning goals, and the workload is relatively high. Furthermore, it is group work, which can be done remotely, but please only enroll if you are committed to doing the work, as others in your group will be counting on you.
The course is a core MA course in Social and Public Policy, who have priority enrollment. Other students are welcome based on available space; there will probably be space. The course will be taught in English in Period 4, if there is demand for it, otherwise in Finnish. Regardless of the language of instruction, the written assignment can be completed in English or in Finnish, at the option of the student.
While the topic may seem interesting to the casual student, please keep in mind that this is a core MA level course with specific skill learning goals, and the workload is relatively high. Furthermore, it is group work, which can be done remotely, but please only enroll if you are committed to doing the work, as others in your group will be counting on you.
25.10.–13.12.2023 Luento-opetus
15.8.2023 0.00–18.10.2023 23.59
Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian laitos
Taught in Finnish in period 2, English in Period 4, if there are one or more students who ask for it in English. Individual assignments (e.g.policy brief) for either session can be completed in Finnish or English.
20.3.–22.5.2024 Luento-opetus
1.12.2023 0.00–13.3.2024 23.59
Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian laitos
This is a course to develop your comparative policy analysis, policy-focused research dissemination, team work, and presentation skills. In the contemporary world, it has become common to look to other countries for policy lessons. We will work on the topic of energy policy in international comparison, and in particular at the social and employment policy implications of the shift to renewable energy. In the period between 2018-2020, the levelized cost of solar and wind power has become lower than fossil fuels and nuclear for around 70% of the world’s population, and electric vehicles are proliferating. While this is good news for climate change, it has devastating implications for employment in sectors reliant on fossil fuels, such as coal mining and oil extraction, shipping, automobile manufacturing and especially parts, utilities, fueling stations, car dealerships and repair. Students will research policy and compare solutions to the socio-economic problems which will emerge this in different countries. This occurs through group research, and policy presentations. Each student will write a short policy brief with recommendations.
The course is a core MA course in Social and Public Policy, who have priority enrollment. Other students are welcome based on available space; there will probably be space. The course will be taught in English in Period 4, if there is demand for it, otherwise in Finnish. Regardless of the language of instruction, the written assignment can be completed in English or in Finnish, at the option of the student.
While the topic may seem interesting to the casual student, please keep in mind that this is a core MA level course with specific skill learning goals, and the workload is relatively high. Furthermore, it is group work, which can be done remotely, but please only enroll if you are committed to doing the work, as others in your group will be counting on you.
The course is a core MA course in Social and Public Policy, who have priority enrollment. Other students are welcome based on available space; there will probably be space. The course will be taught in English in Period 4, if there is demand for it, otherwise in Finnish. Regardless of the language of instruction, the written assignment can be completed in English or in Finnish, at the option of the student.
While the topic may seem interesting to the casual student, please keep in mind that this is a core MA level course with specific skill learning goals, and the workload is relatively high. Furthermore, it is group work, which can be done remotely, but please only enroll if you are committed to doing the work, as others in your group will be counting on you.