KYBS5592 Changing Security and Hybrid Threats (JSS29) (3 op)

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Informaatioteknologian tiedekunta
2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020


The University of Jyväskylä (JYU) is organizing a summer course, “Changing Security and Hybrid Threats”, in cooperation with the European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats (Hybrid CoE). The concept of hybrid threats has become a political normality appearing in the discourses and documents of the EU, of NATO and of their member states. The course will enhance students’ understanding of the rapidly changing security environment in today’s Europe, what hybrid threats are, what kind of activity counts as part of the landscape of hybrid threats, why they are important to our security, how we can counter them, as well as what are the future hybrid threats. During the course, students will get familiar especially with cyber, information, intelligence, military and energy domains. They also learn how interference and influencing activity as part of the landscape of hybrid threats works in those areas. They will also learn about the actors behind the hybrid threat activity. When it comes to state actors, the course will focus on Russia and China but it will also explore the role and activity of non-state actors. Through lectures and workshop, students will study the strategic culture behind the hybrid threats, and how to identify vulnerabilities to build resilience against such threats and is there a way to counter this type of threats; the Finnish model will be paid a particular attention to. The course will be interactive and encourage the students to think critically about hybrid threats as well as think creatively about future security threats. In addition to the main lectures, there will be several guest lecturers on relevant themes. Depending on Covid-19 situation, the course might be organized as remote teaching in Zoom- environment. 


Basic common understanding about Changing Security and Hybrid Threats.


Modes of study: Obligatory attendance at lectures and completing the exercises 

Esitietojen kuvaus

Basic knowledge of Hybrid Threats and Main Concepts.


Tapa 1

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