EKIS150 English for Professional Life (5 op)
Letters of application; small talk; interview technique; cross-culture in relation to students' experiences and projected future needs; effective presentations.
Contact in class: presentations by the tutor and whole and small group discussion.
Assessment: a final portfolio of assignments written during the course on the topics covered is graded, and the student's oral presentation and analysis of it are included in the overall assessment
write different types of letters for professional life, including letters of application
have developed as conversationalists, particularly in ‘small talk’ and in job interviews
make an effective presentation in English.
understand cross-cultural issues particularly as they apply to oral communication and particularly to presentations and negotiations
A readiness to contribute to discussions is expected.
Attendance policy. 100% attendance is usually expected. The effect of any necessary absences on that student's work will be assessed by the teacher, and where necessary extra work in compensation may be required. More than two absences may result in the student having to leave to course, if in the teacher's judgment too much has been missed. However there is some room for flexibility at times, for example for teacher trainers.