XENY1001 Worklife Communication and Interaction (3 op)
During the second-year course, the students will continue developing and using their interaction skills in academic situations within their own areas of expertise, such as when working within diverse groups creating and sustaining multicultural networks. Academic writing support will focus on producing appropriate texts by improving the students’ academic writing skills (improving formal language and text structure, organizing ideas, developing arguments, integrating evidence, and using accurate referencing). Emphasis will also be given to enhancing the students’ critical thinking skills and helping them find their own academic voice.
Kurssin suorittaminen edellyttää aktiivista osallistumista ja läsnäoloa sekä annettujen tehtävien tekemistä aikataulussa.
Aktiivinen osallistuminen kontaktiopetukseen sekä itsenäisesti valmisteltujen opintotehtävien suorittaminen hyväksytysti. Läsnäolovelvollisuus 80 %. Tarkemmat kriteerit esitellään kurssilla.
• communicate and interact competently and ethically in various situations in both general and field-specific academic contexts as well as in professional situations, using a variety of strategies.
• prepare and deliver a well-structured and clear academic presentation that follows internationally accepted norms and discipline-specific conventions.
• analyse, evaluate, paraphrase, summarise, and synthesise information, and use it effectively, purposefully, and ethically both orally and in writing.
• demonstrate critical reasoning skills to advance valid arguments supported by evidence, and find their own academic voice.
Kulttuuripolitiikan maisteriohjelmassa opiskeleville.