XENX031 Project and Conference Skills (2 op)
The course covers the writing, communication, meeting, and presentation skills and strategies typically needed in participating and presenting in international projects and conferences. In addition, a semi-authentic conference website is designed for the conference documents. The course is done as a simulation in Moodle, and it is compulsory for the specified target groups.
This is a simulation of a project meeting and research dissemination conference, and involves both collaborative team work and independent work. Course materials are tailored for the group and include in-house and Internet-based materials. Typical conference and meeting documents are written and incorporated in the conference website designed. Abstract proposals and presentation skills are peer-reviewed for feedback and self-assessment. Each student acts as chair and presenter in the simulated conference.
Compulsory and active participation. Successful completion of core assignments. Final grading is based on the applicable grading scale for the course.
• be familiar with conference-related communication, presentation, and conventions
• know how to write a conference abstract and a conference CV (biodata)
• know how to act as a referee for abstracts
• know how to act as a presenter, active participant, and chair in an international network and dissemination conference
• know how to give a professional presentation on their research topic
• know how to find an appropriate conference to present at.
Compulsory in Master's Degree Programme in Sport and Exercise Promotion: Sport Management; Sport Psychology.