FYSS7301 Kompleksianalyysi (5 op)
Complex numbers and elementary functions of complex variables; derivative and analyticity of a function of complex variables; contour integration in the complex plane; Cauchy’s theorem and Cauchy’s integral formulae; Taylor series and analytic continuation; Laurent series, classification of singularities and calculation of residues; Residue theorem, with various applications in contour integrals in the complex plane, summation of series and infinite products
Assignments, examination
Maximum points: 80% from the final exam plus 20% from the exercises; passing the course: at least 50% of the maximum total points obtained; maximum score from the exercises: at least 80% of all the available exercise points obtained.
Spring semester 1st period, every two years starting spring 2019.
Esitietojen kuvaus
- Juha Honkonen: Fysiikan matemaattiset menetelmät I (Limes, 2005), ISBN 951-745-211-X; ISBN: 951-745-211-X
- Murray R. Spiegel: Theory and problems of complex variables, Schaum's outline series (McGraw-Hill), ISBN 07-060230-1; ISBN: 07-060230-1
- Michael D. Greenberg: Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Prentice Hall), ISBN 0-13-321431-1; ISBN: 0-13-321431-
- George Arfken: Mathematical Methods for Physicists (Academic Press), ISBN 0-12-059810-8; ISBN: 0-12-059810-8