FYSS4556 QCD:n häiriöteoria (7 op)
SU(3) gauge transformations, gauge fixing, QCD Feynman rules; SU(N) color algebra: derivation of color identities and calculation of color factors for scattering cross sections; jet and inclusive hard hadron production in p+p collisions: kinematics and leading-order partonic cross sections, gluon polarization states and ghosts, parton distribution functions and fragmentation functions, collinear factorization; deep inelastic scattering: electroweak-current cases in leading-order perturbation theory, QCD-improved parton model, computation of the next-to-leading order QCD corrections and definition of the parton distribution functions, DGLAP scale evolution equation and its solutions; Drell-Yan dilepton process: kinematics, computation of the cross sections in leading and next-to-leading order perturbative QCD; decay of a quarkonium state using perturbative QCD in a non-relativistic limit.
Assignments, examination.
Maximum points: 70% from the final exam plus 30% from the exercises; passing the course: at least 50% of the maximum total points obtained; maximum score from the exercises: at least 80% of all the available exercise points obtained.
Spring semester, every two years.
Esitietojen kuvaus
- R.K. Ellis, W.J. Stirling and B.R. Webber, QCD and Collider Physics (Cambridge Univ. Press), ISBN 0-521-54589-7.; ISBN: 0-521-54589-7
- George Sterman, An introduction to Quantum Field Theory (Cambridge), ISBN 0-521-311322.; ISBN: 0-521-311322