Master's Degree Programme in Nuclear and Particle Physics
Filosofian maisteri
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120 op
Fysiikan laitos, Matemaattis-luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta
2017-2018, 2018-2019
In the Master's studies, you can specialize in experimental or theoretical nuclear physics or experimental or theoretical particle physics. All students have one obligatory course in particle physics and one in nuclear physics. I addition mandatory studies include research training, seminar and Master's thesis. For completing your master’s thesis, you will perform a research project in one of the research groups of the particle and nuclear physics and learn necessary scientific skills of planning, implementing and reporting of a research project. The curriculum allows you to tune your degree according to your own interests and skills by offering a large variety of optional courses. In the field of nuclear physics, these are advanced level courses in nuclear physics, cyclotron physics, accelerator physics and techniques. Or you can specialize in techniques for nuclear and accelerator based physics experiments, nuclear astrophysics or nuclear fission and its applications. On the other hand if you are more interested in particle physics you may select courses like particle astrophysics, cosmology, quantum field therory and its applications or ultra-relativistic heavy ion physics.
The objective of the Master's degree is to provide you with advanced academic training in the fields of nuclear and particle physics. Depending on your interests and skills you can choose to complete your master's studies with different profiles, specializing in experimental or theoretical nuclear physics or in experimental or theoretical particle physics. The master studies give you a holistic view of nuclear and particle physics to critically, independently and creatively identify, formulate and deal with complex issues resulting in a capability to contributing to research and development work. Such training and skills are suitable for a wide range of professional careers, including that of an academic researcher.
A student completing the program will possess a subset of the following skills (dependent on course selection choices, list not exhaustive):
- Masters the basics of quantum field theory and is able to apply it in particle physics phenomenology
- Is familiar with the elements of the general relativity
- Understands the standard model of cosmology, the structure of the universe at large scales and the thermal history of the early universe
- Has knowledge of the neutrino physics phenomena and basic theoretical formalism
- Is experienced in using numerical methods at a level that gives ability to apply them in wider contexts
- Has learned particle physics and cosmology at a level sufficient for graduate studies in any other university
- Is familiar with a number of models of nuclear structure
- Can identify different types of excitations in nuclear level schemes
- Can use existing data bases to estimate radiation and dose levels and their time development
- Can use data bases to estimate energy deposition and heating issues related to applications of nuclear physics in various fields such as medicine and energy production
- Will be able to predict the outcome (products and their yields) of different types of nuclear reactions
- Will be able to build and use basic detector set-ups for activity and half-life measurements
- Will be able to monitor radiation levels and build radiation shields
- Will be able to build and use simple vacuum systems for measuring energies of ionizing particles
A student completing the program will possess a subset of the following skills (dependent on course selection choices, list not exhaustive):
- Masters the basics of quantum field theory and is able to apply it in particle physics phenomenology
- Is familiar with the elements of the general relativity
- Understands the standard model of cosmology, the structure of the universe at large scales and the thermal history of the early universe
- Has knowledge of the neutrino physics phenomena and basic theoretical formalism
- Is experienced in using numerical methods at a level that gives ability to apply them in wider contexts
- Has learned particle physics and cosmology at a level sufficient for graduate studies in any other university
- Is familiar with a number of models of nuclear structure
- Can identify different types of excitations in nuclear level schemes
- Can use existing data bases to estimate radiation and dose levels and their time development
- Can use data bases to estimate energy deposition and heating issues related to applications of nuclear physics in various fields such as medicine and energy production
- Will be able to predict the outcome (products and their yields) of different types of nuclear reactions
- Will be able to build and use basic detector set-ups for activity and half-life measurements
- Will be able to monitor radiation levels and build radiation shields
- Will be able to build and use simple vacuum systems for measuring energies of ionizing particles
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