FYSS6301 Elektroniikka, osa A (4 op)

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Fysiikan laitos
2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020



Kirchoff’s laws; nodal and mesh analysis techniques; DC and AC characteristics (current, voltage and power) of linear passive components and simple circuits; basic AC analysis of RC/RL/RLC circuits in both time and frequency domains; basics of electric motors, sensors and actuators; basics of electronic amplifiers; basic principles of operational amplifier circuits.


The course can be accomplished by passing the exam, doing exercises (including the tasks in the TIM web environment) and the laboratory work. From these the exam and the lab work are compulsory. The exercises are optional for passing the course, but they will affect the grading.


For passing the course minimum of 36 points are required out of the maximum 72 points available in the course. The total amount points consists of three different parts with the following weights: 17 % exercises, 17 % laboratory work and 66 % exam. Additionally, student needs to gain at least half of the points in both the exam (max. 48 points) and the laboratory work (max. 12 points) in order to be graded (Note! minimum of 36 points in total is still needed). The shortcomings in the exercises can be compensated with good performance in the exam, in which case the contribution of the exam in the total grading would be 83 %. In this case, the maximum points in the exam are 60 and 30 points are required to pass. (For grading, the general tables of the physics department are used. The tables can be found at https://www.jyu.fi/science/opiskelu-ohjeet/fysiikka/fysiikan-opintojaksojen-suorittaminen-ja-arvostelu.)


At the end of this course, students will be able to apply Kirchoff’s current and voltage laws. Students will be able to describe the characteristics of basic linear circuit elements (resistor, capacitor and inductor) and analyze the properties of DC and AC signals in simple passive and active circuits as well as analyze the properties of simple circuits by using their transient characteristics. They will be also able to describe the different components of power consumption in AC circuits and apply operational amplifiers in simple circuits.


Autumn 1st period.

Esitietojen kuvaus

Fysiikan perusopinnot (FYSP1010-1050)


  • Storey, Electronics: A Systems Approach (5. painos). ISBN-13: 978-0273773276; ISBN: 978-0273773276


Tapa 1

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