FYSS3300 Ydinfysiikka (8 op)

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Fysiikan laitos
2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020



Liquid droplet model of the nucleus; the nuclear shell model and single-particle states; deformed nuclei, vibrational nuclei; radioactivity; alpha decay, beta decay and electromagnetic transitions; basic use of nuclear reactions; interaction of radiation with matter; nuclear fission and operation of a nuclear power plant


Assignments, examinations


Active participation in the lectures is expected. Weekly exercises are given and are subsequently discussed in a problem solving class. The final grade is based on exams (80%) and exercises (20%), 60 points in total. Exam points are from either Mid-term 1+2 (24 points out of 60, each), or a Final Exam (48 points).


At the end of this course, students will be able to use the semi-empirical mass formula and experimental atomic masses to calculate binding energies and separation energies as well as relate the terms of the semi-empirical mass formula to properties of the nucleon-nucleon interaction and the binding of nucleons in nuclei. Students will be able to identify a variety of experimental observables which indicate the need for a nuclear shell model and use the shell model to calculate the spin and parity of the nuclear ground state as well as to understand simple single-particle excitations and structure. They will be able to use rotational and vibrational models of nuclei in order to extract properties related to collective effects, for example deformation. They will be able to use the radioactive decay law and apply it to real-world scenarios of radioactivity in the environment as well as applications of nuclear power as well as use Q value systematics in beta decay in order to calculate log-ft values and identify the different transitions and how they can relate to the nuclear shell model. Students will be able to make relations between models of the alpha decay process and experimental alpha decay data, calculations of electromagnetic transition rates using a simple model, compare the results to experimental data and draw conclusions about nuclear structure based on the outcome as well as calculate reaction rates in experiments given target thicknesses, cross sections and primary beam intensities. They will also be able to use the liquid droplet model to describe the nuclear fission process and list the important ingredients of a nuclear reactor and calculate different parameters of operational reactors.


Autumn semester, every year starting 2017.

Esitietojen kuvaus

Students have a solid understanding of modern Physics and basic quantum mechanics.


  • J.S. Lilley, Nuclear Physics, Principals and Applications
  • K.S. Krane, Introductory Nuclear Physics


Tapa 1

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