CIPA4421 Intimate Partner Violence: an introductory course (3 op)
Opinnon taso:
Psykologian laitos
2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020
Contents of the course:
The course will cover the following contents:
- Defining and identifying IPV
- Common Myths and Facts About Domestic Violence
- Prevalence and forms of IPV
- Understanding the causes of IPV: different approaches
- IPV treatment modalities and outcomes
Assessment 0 - 5
Students in this course will be assessed with a writing exercise (final essay) that requires them to search and produce knowledge independently on a specific topic of IPV, and report it in a final essay.
Moreover, the Learning Log will also be assessed, and active participation will be highly valued.
Attendance to all classes is compulsory.
Learning objectives:
It is expected that after the course the students will be able to:
- Understand and recognize the different forms of IPV
- Adopt a critical posture on IPV myths and common thoughts
- Compare and contrast different approaches and treatments of IPV
- Analyze and understand research on IPV
- Apply learnings to real world situations
It is expected that after the course the students will be able to:
- Understand and recognize the different forms of IPV
- Adopt a critical posture on IPV myths and common thoughts
- Compare and contrast different approaches and treatments of IPV
- Analyze and understand research on IPV
- Apply learnings to real world situations
Esitietojen kuvaus
Course description:
This course is intended for students of psychology, social sciences, social work and others interested in the topic. It is an introductory course for those who do not have previous knowledge or expertise on the topic of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV).
This course is intended for students of psychology, social sciences, social work and others interested in the topic. It is an introductory course for those who do not have previous knowledge or expertise on the topic of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV).
Compulsory readings:
The students can choose which one of these books will read.
Dutton, D. (2006). Rethinking domestic violence. Vancouver: University Of British Columbia Press.
Husso, M., Virkki, T., Notko, M., Hirvonen, H. & Eilola, J. (2016). Interpersonal Violence: Differences and Connections. Abingdon: Routledge
Keeling, J. & Mason, T. (2008). Domestic Violence: a multi-professional approach for healthcare practitioners. Berkshire: Open University Press.
Complementary readings:
Articles in peer reviewed journals:
Babcock J C, Green C E, Robie C. Does batterers' treatment work? A meta-analytic review of domestic violence treatment. Clin Psychol Rev 2004; 23(8):1023–53.
Hickman L J, Jaycox LH, Aranoff J. Dating violence among adolescents: prevalence, gender distribution, and prevention program effectiveness. Trauma Violence Abus 2009; 5:123–42.
Nelson HE, Bougatsos C, Blazina I. Screening women for intimate partner violence: a systematic review to update the 2004 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation. Ann Intern Med 2012; 156: (11):796–808.
Nuutinen, N., Korvenoja, A. & Holma, J. (2016) Muutokset Vaihtoehto väkivallalle -ryhmään osallistuneiden miesten parisuhteissa. English abstract: The changes in the relationships of intimately violent men who participated in the Vaihtoehto väkivallalle treatment group. Psykologia, 51 (5), 360-372.
Ruff S, McComb JL, Coker CJ, Sprenkle DH. Behavioral couples therapy for the treatment of substance abuse: a substantive and methodological review of O’Farrell, Fals-Stewart, and colleagues’ program of research. Family Process 2010; 49:439–56.
Vall, B, Päivinen, H. & Holma, J. (2017) Results of the Jyväskylä Research Project on Couple Therapy for Intimate Partner Violence: Topics and Strategies in Successful Therapy Processes. Journal of Family Therapy, 40 (1), 63-82. doi:10.1111/1467-6427.12170 Open access
Whitaker DJ, Morrison S, Lindquist CA, Hawkins SR, O'Neil JA, Nesius AM, Mathew A, Reese L. A critical review of interventions for the primary prevention of perpetration of partner violence. Aggress Violent Beh 2006; 11:151–66.
Books and book chapters
Avery-Leaf S, Cascardi M. Dating violence education: prevention and early intervention strategies. In: Schewe P A, editor. Preventing violence in relationships: interventions across the life span. Washington (DC): American Psychological Association; 2002. p. 79–105.
Foshee VA, Reyes H L M. Primary prevention of adolescent dating abuse perpetration: when to begin, whom to target, and how to do it. In: Whitaker D J, Lutzker JR. Preventing partner violence: research and evidence-based intervention strategies. Washington (DC): American Psychological Association; 2009. p. 141–68. (e-kirja)
Edward W. Gondolf (1997) Assessing Woman Battering in Mental Health Services. SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA (e-kirja)
Edward W. Gondolf (2001) Batterer Intervention Systems: Issues Outcomes, and Recommendations. SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA (e-kirja)
Edward W. Gondolf (2012) The Future of Batterer Programs: Reassessing Evidence-Based Practice. Northeastern University Press (e-kirja)
Holma, J., & Nyqvist, L. (2017). Väkivaltatyö miesten kanssa. In J. Niemi, H. Kainulainen, & P. Honkatukia (Eds.), Sukupuolistunut väkivalta: oikeudellinen ja sosiaalinen ongelma (pp. 104-120). Vastapaino.
Kelly, L. and Westmarland, N. (2015) Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes: Steps Towards Change. Project Mirabal Final Report. London and Durham: London Metropolitan University and Durham University.
Kelly, L. and Westmarland, N. (2015) New Approaches to Assessing Effectiveness and Outcomes of Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes. In Critical Issues on Violence Against Women. Johnson, H., Fisher, B.S. & Jaquier, V. (eds) Abingdon: Routledge. pp. 183-194. (P kurssikirjasto)
Mitchell C, Anglin D editors. Intimate partner violence: a health based perspective. New York (NY): Oxford University Press; 2009. (e-kirja)
Päivinen, H., Vall, B., & Holma, J. (2016). Research on Facilitating Successful Treatment Processes in Perpetrator Programs. In M. Ortiz (Ed.), Domestic Violence: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Perspectives (pp. 163-187). Nova Science Publishers. (Moodle)
Sandra M. Stith, Eric E. McCollum, and Karen H. Rosen, EdD (2011) Couples Therapy for Domestic Violence: Finding Safe Solutions. APA (P kurssikirj)
Whitaker DJ, Baker CK, Arias I. Interventions to prevent intimate partner violence. In: Doll L, Bonzo S, Sleet D, Mercy J, Hass E, editors. Handbook of injury and violence prevention. New York (NY): Springer; 2007. P. 183–201.
Whitaker JD, Lutzker JR, editors. Preventing partner violence: research and evidence-based intervention strategies. Washington (DC): American Psychological Association; 2009. (e-kirja)
The students can choose which one of these books will read.
Dutton, D. (2006). Rethinking domestic violence. Vancouver: University Of British Columbia Press.
Husso, M., Virkki, T., Notko, M., Hirvonen, H. & Eilola, J. (2016). Interpersonal Violence: Differences and Connections. Abingdon: Routledge
Keeling, J. & Mason, T. (2008). Domestic Violence: a multi-professional approach for healthcare practitioners. Berkshire: Open University Press.
Complementary readings:
Articles in peer reviewed journals:
Babcock J C, Green C E, Robie C. Does batterers' treatment work? A meta-analytic review of domestic violence treatment. Clin Psychol Rev 2004; 23(8):1023–53.
Hickman L J, Jaycox LH, Aranoff J. Dating violence among adolescents: prevalence, gender distribution, and prevention program effectiveness. Trauma Violence Abus 2009; 5:123–42.
Nelson HE, Bougatsos C, Blazina I. Screening women for intimate partner violence: a systematic review to update the 2004 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation. Ann Intern Med 2012; 156: (11):796–808.
Nuutinen, N., Korvenoja, A. & Holma, J. (2016) Muutokset Vaihtoehto väkivallalle -ryhmään osallistuneiden miesten parisuhteissa. English abstract: The changes in the relationships of intimately violent men who participated in the Vaihtoehto väkivallalle treatment group. Psykologia, 51 (5), 360-372.
Ruff S, McComb JL, Coker CJ, Sprenkle DH. Behavioral couples therapy for the treatment of substance abuse: a substantive and methodological review of O’Farrell, Fals-Stewart, and colleagues’ program of research. Family Process 2010; 49:439–56.
Vall, B, Päivinen, H. & Holma, J. (2017) Results of the Jyväskylä Research Project on Couple Therapy for Intimate Partner Violence: Topics and Strategies in Successful Therapy Processes. Journal of Family Therapy, 40 (1), 63-82. doi:10.1111/1467-6427.12170 Open access
Whitaker DJ, Morrison S, Lindquist CA, Hawkins SR, O'Neil JA, Nesius AM, Mathew A, Reese L. A critical review of interventions for the primary prevention of perpetration of partner violence. Aggress Violent Beh 2006; 11:151–66.
Books and book chapters
Avery-Leaf S, Cascardi M. Dating violence education: prevention and early intervention strategies. In: Schewe P A, editor. Preventing violence in relationships: interventions across the life span. Washington (DC): American Psychological Association; 2002. p. 79–105.
Foshee VA, Reyes H L M. Primary prevention of adolescent dating abuse perpetration: when to begin, whom to target, and how to do it. In: Whitaker D J, Lutzker JR. Preventing partner violence: research and evidence-based intervention strategies. Washington (DC): American Psychological Association; 2009. p. 141–68. (e-kirja)
Edward W. Gondolf (1997) Assessing Woman Battering in Mental Health Services. SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA (e-kirja)
Edward W. Gondolf (2001) Batterer Intervention Systems: Issues Outcomes, and Recommendations. SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA (e-kirja)
Edward W. Gondolf (2012) The Future of Batterer Programs: Reassessing Evidence-Based Practice. Northeastern University Press (e-kirja)
Holma, J., & Nyqvist, L. (2017). Väkivaltatyö miesten kanssa. In J. Niemi, H. Kainulainen, & P. Honkatukia (Eds.), Sukupuolistunut väkivalta: oikeudellinen ja sosiaalinen ongelma (pp. 104-120). Vastapaino.
Kelly, L. and Westmarland, N. (2015) Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes: Steps Towards Change. Project Mirabal Final Report. London and Durham: London Metropolitan University and Durham University.
Kelly, L. and Westmarland, N. (2015) New Approaches to Assessing Effectiveness and Outcomes of Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes. In Critical Issues on Violence Against Women. Johnson, H., Fisher, B.S. & Jaquier, V. (eds) Abingdon: Routledge. pp. 183-194. (P kurssikirjasto)
Mitchell C, Anglin D editors. Intimate partner violence: a health based perspective. New York (NY): Oxford University Press; 2009. (e-kirja)
Päivinen, H., Vall, B., & Holma, J. (2016). Research on Facilitating Successful Treatment Processes in Perpetrator Programs. In M. Ortiz (Ed.), Domestic Violence: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Perspectives (pp. 163-187). Nova Science Publishers. (Moodle)
Sandra M. Stith, Eric E. McCollum, and Karen H. Rosen, EdD (2011) Couples Therapy for Domestic Violence: Finding Safe Solutions. APA (P kurssikirj)
Whitaker DJ, Baker CK, Arias I. Interventions to prevent intimate partner violence. In: Doll L, Bonzo S, Sleet D, Mercy J, Hass E, editors. Handbook of injury and violence prevention. New York (NY): Springer; 2007. P. 183–201.
Whitaker JD, Lutzker JR, editors. Preventing partner violence: research and evidence-based intervention strategies. Washington (DC): American Psychological Association; 2009. (e-kirja)
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