KEMY002 Study Plan for Master's Degree (1 cr)

Study level:
Other studies
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation:
Department of Chemistry
Curriculum periods:
2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020



A personal study plan is a plan that student herself/himself makes about the content, scope and duration of the studies. The starting point for the personal study plan is the structure of the degree. The plan will help the student to proceed and schedule the studies. Compilation of a study plan starts in the beginning of M.Sc. studies and continues until the end of the studies. The personal study plan is made in collaboration with personal study plan supervisor. The course includes group meetings, personal reflection, individual discussions and making a personal study plan. Updating e-portfolio is encouraged.

Completion methods

The course includes group meetings, personal reflection, individual discussions and making a personal study plan.

Assessment details

Group and individual meetings, at least 8 hours. Passing the course is based on attendance and making personal study plan. Absence from meetings can be compensated by exercises or individual discussions.

The course is approved if the student has attended on all group meetings or compensated the meetings and met the supervisor in person at least once and made an accepted personal study plan.

Learning outcomes

- Student is committed to studies and university
- Student acknowledges her/his responsibility progress of the studies and choices she/he makes
- Student has a motivating plan about the studies in respect to future plans and graduation.
- Student knows her/his interests, know-how and development for work-life and employment

Completion methods

Method 1

Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods
Unpublished assessment item